Jessica Visits to hometown Chula Vista

Rating of Jessica Sanchez American idol sesson 11
“This is one of the strongest Top Fours ‘Idol’ has ever had,” said Lyndsey Parker, the music editor of Yahoo! Music and the creator of the “Idol” blog “Reality Rocks.”
“I don’t think it’s as strong a Final Four as ‘Idol’ had last year,” Gallo said. “But, overall, it’s stronger than several seasons before that. Last year, when you got down to the Final Four, you knew exactly what kind of music these people wanted to make. And it’s exactly the same this year.”

Jessica Sanchez has the highest facebook and twitter followers
Challenges and Rewards May 5 2012
Fans of the Week: Top 5

Why Does Akon Say He Wants Her Voted Off?
AKON says Sanchez is by far his favorite contestant this season. "I know I shouldn't be saying this, but I kind of want her to get voted off so I can sign her,"
"She's beyond the talent that's supposed to be there," the R&B star gushed. "I think she's overqualified, I really do."
"And she's only 16," Akon continued. "Like, I've been around a lot of superstars. I haven't seen anyone at that age sing like that."

Jessica Sanchez Best Advice top 6 finalist
Fans of the Week: Top 6
Jessica Sanchez slips to No. 4 on 'Idol' rankings as of April 25
A popular US magazine ranked Filipino-Mexican singer Jessica Sanchez at No. 4 in its “American Idol” rankings, her lowest since Season 11 started.American Idol judge Randy Jackson has predicted the Season 11 Top 4 finalists.
“I think the Top 3 is probably Phil Phillips, Skylar Laine, Jessica who we saved, and probably Joshua. Those are the Top 4.”
Earth Day Latest Interview with Jessica Sanchez
Jessica Sanchez American Idol Top 6 Alicia Keys’ “Fallin’” and Otis Redding’s classic “Try A Little Tenderness,”
Jessica is not only entertaining but also educating fans. We are proud of you. Go Jessica!
Jessica Sanchez update april 18 IDOL-izer
Jessica Sanchez-I Surrender Before american idol
Jessica Sanchez performs "Love You I Do" from Dreamgirls at the Top 1
Randy Jackson: That girl can really sing. One of the best of the last 2 nights.
Jennifer Lopez: The whole things is beyond your years.
Steven Tyler: You’ve got exceptional timing. Your voice is perfect. They need to pay you the next time you sing the National Anthem for the Chargers.
Stand Up For Love (Destiny's Child)
Jessica Sanchez singing It Doesn't Matter Anymore with Deandre Brackensick Candice Glover
Love You I Do - Top 25
American idol related videos - top 7
Joshua Ledet Runaway BabyJessica Sanchez: Stuttering
Phillip Phillips Give A Little More
Skylar Laine Didn't You Know How Much I Loved You - Top 7
Colton Dixon: Love The Way You Lie
Elise Testone performs "Yoü and I" by Lady Gaga
Hollie Cavanagh: Perfect
Jessica Sanchez and Joshua Ledet
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Photo courtesy of Jessica Sanchez's Twitter:!/JSanchezAI11
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